I Love So Many! How Do I Get Them All?!

One common problem that my clients run into is paying for all the beautiful images they didn't expect to love.  I can't tell you how many times women will tell me that they only want a couple of images and then end up taking home WAY more than planned.  This can invariably lead to trying to figure out how to pay for so much sexy.

We have a couple options available that can make things a bit easier....so let's chat about them!

Paying For It

Of course, paying in full is an option - plus that kicks off the ordering of your products!  If you opted for digital files you can take them home that day.  Bonus: Any cash you bring to your ordering appointment will earn you a 5% discount! (So if you bring $1000 in cash, you’ll get a $50 discount).

The next option is Square Installments.  I highly encourage you to apply before your reveal session so you know how much you are approved for and if you need to supplement with credit or cash.  (PS:  I am no longer accepting checks....plus who really writes checks these days?).  The perk of this option is that in my eyes, you are considered paid in full and that will also kick off the ordering of your products. 

The final payment option is an in-house payment plan.  This should really be the last resort and will be limited to orders over $1,000.  At least 20% of your total will be due at your reveal and the remainder is typically divided up over the next 4 or so months.  

Saving For It

One of my favorite programs to help me save money without thinking about it is Digit.  You can link it to your bank account (don't worry, it's super secure!) and it will monitor your deposit and withdrawals and when you have "extra" money it will withdrawal it and put it in savings account for you.  It's super easy to accumulate your savings.  They even have a Low Balance Protection option so if your checking account drops below a certain amount it will transfer money back so you aren't in danger of overdrawing your account.

You can even set up goals to save for (like your boudoir art!).

Remember that this is art and it is an investment.  I'm happy to work with you to come up with a plan to get all of the images you love!