Who Invited Aunt Flo

Knock knock!

Who's there?

It's me, Aunt Flo!

Yay, you got your period right before your session! No client is ever pumped to spontaneously start their cycle right before being photographed in nearly nothing, however it is a part of life for some women and it is something we deal with on a regular basis.

There is NO need to reschedule your session because of this! It is truly not a big deal to us in any way. There are plenty of feminine hygiene products you can use for your session that would keep this situation completely secret.

Sure, you might feel a bit bloated or fatigued, but we got you! We are women too and trust me, we can relate.

Tired? We can get you a coffee and pump up the jams to get you in the mood to have a great time!!

Feeling bloated? No worries! Our expert posing is going to make you look incredible in all of your images no matter what.

Got a few pimples? Don't pick them! We will photoshop those sucker right off. Like they never existed!

Cramps got you feeling down? Pop some Tylenol when you wake up and take it every 4 hours to avoid feeling icky on your shoot day. Midol actually works best for me!

Now if you’re the lucky few who is stuck in bed because the cramps are super bad - then let us know as soon as possible so we can plan appropriately.

Obviously if you’re one of those people who has their cycle like clockwork (what is that even like????) then let’s try to plan around things. BUT, if you’re rocking more of the …could be 18 days, could be 40 days vibe (hello and welcome to our world!)…let’s just do our best and not stress about it.

Krista ManusComment